Friday, February 27, 2009

SPICE MAGIC – the Kinhai experience [English]

In its ongoing pursuit of happiness for rural women and children, Shekharoo Pratishsthan organized a vocational training camp for women in village Kinhai.

This camp started on 25th Jan 2009 and went on for one week until 31st Jan 2009 in one of the halls of the village primary school.

Attendants were trained to prepare and package various kinds of Indian spices, pickles, dry snacks, etc.

A forum with the district Co-operative Bazaar [market] has been arranged to provide a market place to any goods produced by these women.

A total of 40 women enrolled and took benefit of this camp. This additional skills will surely help all these women to spice up their life, by adding extra flavors to their daily cooking, and by providing an additional income source for them.

The cost for training camp was partly subsidized by district authorities, under government scheme for rural women welfare and the remaining cost has been covered from various donations received by Shekharoo Pratishthan.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Shekharoo Pratishthan - brief info [English]

Shekharoo Pratishthan is a Non Government Trust and Social Organisation [Registration Number: F/21694/Pune] with focus majorly on assisting women and children to achieve their dreams.

Chairperson of this NGO is Shmt. Vatsala Mahadev Shelar.

This NGO is dedicated to help the poor and needy for their education and well-being. It also aims to bring better knowledge and means of earnings to the rural women and children.
Activities of this group are currently including - operating woman's small saving groups [Mahila Bachat Gat], sponsoring the needy children with their school tution fees, books, stationery, organising vocational trainings for rural women, operating library facilities for rural children, etc.

Currently, 2 villages - Kinhai and Anpatwadi have been selected as the turf of all operations.

I found this NGO to be an excellent medium to make a difference in somebody's life. Please contact me at, if you wish to know further details of this organisation and its activities.
A a Marathi poem goes "Chala Ayushya vasool karuya"!!